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... Parti Maju Sabah (Sabah Progressive Party) .... United We Build, Together We Progress in Gabungan

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Borneo Herald

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Yong Teck Lee: "This is my promise to you, that our struggle continues and I will always be by your side"...."Trust and integrity of the leaders are fundamental to the future of a country or a government or, in our case, SAPP as a serious political party of the future"


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2010 May 7 - 進步黨古達區聯委會


SAPP Kudat Pesta Kaamatan
2010-05-07 華僑日報【本報古達記者六日訊】沙巴進步黨古達區聯委會將於本週六(八日)上午九時,在古達甘榜上排舉辦豐收節慶典。





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