KOTA KINABALU, April 15, 2016: Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) has urged
PBS Leaders to walk the talk in resolving the illegal immigrants problem
in Sabah and not merely playing to the gallery.
"What the people of Sabah expect after the RCI report came out in 2014,
are affirmative action to be taken to rid Sabah of this perennial problem,
not more rhetoric and definitely not from a senior Federal Minister.
SAPP Deputy President, Edward Dagul was responding to PBS Vice President,
Datuk Daniel Kinsik’s contention that there was nothing wrong in Datuk Dr
Maximus urging both State and Federal government to recall the identity
cards as part of the steps to resolve the illegal immigrant problem in
"The call made may be fine but when it is from Dr Max himself, it can be
likened to making a call to workers urging the management for more pay,
when in fact; he is part and parcel of the management, explained Edward.
"The cabinet is surely the appropriate forum to discuss such issue and
since PBS is currently well represented at both Federal and State cabinet,
it is therefore inconceivable to suggest that these PBS leader do not know
what the current government’s intentions are, with respect to resolving
the illegal immigrant problem.
"The question that should be asked is what has happened to the report by
the Working Technical Committee under the PBS President Tan Sri Joseph
Pairin Kitingan when is it going to see the light of day and be made
public?" asked Edward.
"While Datuk Daniel may boast that a lot of action has been implemented
arising from the recommendation of the RCI report in 2014 including the
proposal by the Technical Committee chaired by PBS President but to
Sabahans, there have been little to no actions taken to address the
illegal immigrant problem.
"In addition, until the report by Tan Sri Pairin’s committee be made
public, do not blame Sabahans for suggesting that this all is another
wayang kulit, cover up to Pairin’s failure.
"Sabahans refuse to be hoodwinked further. The wayang kulit show must
stop. Further rhetoric will only prolong this perennial problem; it is
time for concrete affirmative action.
"The lack of concrete steps taken by the Government, State and Federal
suggest that there is a lack of political will to resolve this "Mother of
all problems" in Sabah and that is the main problem.