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2016 Aug 16 - Yong: Is Federal making Sabahans fearful about our security?

Is Federal making Sabahans fearful about our security?

KOTA KINABALU, August 16, 2016 (Datuk Yong Teck Lee): The absence of the Sabah Chief Minister at a major security event in Kuala Lumpur last week casts a doubt on what the priorities are of the Sabah Government in protecting Sabah from external and internal threats.

Of direct relevance and importance to Sabah's well being is the security situation in the Southern Philippines. Yet, the Chief Minister, who is also the Chairman of the Sabah State Security Committee, had missed the launching of "The Implementation Phase of the Mindanao Peace Agreement Between the Government of the Philippines and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front" last Saturday at Kuala Lumpur. Did the Chief Minister have other more important duties at the time?

Despite its good intentions for peace in Mindanao, Malaysia's continuing efforts to implement the agreement on Bangsamoro signed in October 2012 in Manila has not brought about peace and stability. In fact, as seen in recent years, the peace agreement has done nothing to improve the security situation in the Southern Philippines. As a result, cross-border crimes such as kidnappings have increased, not to mention the infamous Tanduo Incursion of February 2013, four months after the signing of the Manila agreement.

The proposed Bangsamoro Basic Law, which purported to give exclusive powers to the MILF to the exclusion of other groups like the MNLF (Moro National Liberation Front), has failed to be passed by the Philippines legislatures last year. As a result, the MILF is terribly upset. On the other hand, the MNLF, which is recognised by the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC), has been snubbed and excluded in the peace agreement. This is a lose-lose scenario that aggravates the security situation right at our maritime borders.

In the last two months, the new Philippines administration has repeatedly stressed that the MNLF must be brought onto the peace process without which there can be no peace. And yet, we see that Malaysia is still insisting on the MILF peace agreement which has been rejected by Philippines lawmakers. These are troubling facts.

Is the federal government making Sabahans fearful so that Sabahans will continue to believe that the federal government is here only to protect us? Protect Sabah from what and from who? And why is it that we see no efforts by the federal government to counter the Philippines propaganda for their "Sabah Claim"?

Datuk Yong Teck Lee
ex-Chief Minister 1996-1998

SAPP Policies

SAPP's 17 point Manifesto - Sabah deserves better in terms of more equitable distribution of opportunities, in social, economic and infrastructural development and a better quality of life. [BM][Chinese]

SAPP's Economic Plan for Sabah - SAPP aims to achieve economic prosperity and financial self-reliance for Sabah. Version in [BM] [Chinese]

SAPP's Land Reform Policy - To promote and protect the rights and interests of local natives and other citizens in Sabah [BM][Chinese]

On Oil Royalty - SAPP is not giving up its struggle for more oil royalty payment for Sabah.

SAPP's Eight (8) Points Declaration - Whereas our mission is to establish a trustworthy govt and a progressive ...

SAPP's 14 point memo in 2006 - Time for Direct Preventive Actions

SAPP Constitution (booklet)

Our Sabah..

Books on ....
RCI Report on Immigrants in Sabah
The Birth of Malaysia
Malaysia Agreement Article 1-11
The Original Agreement of Malaysia
Heroes of Kinabalu 神山美烈誌
Schedule 9 of the Federal Constitution

more on ...
Twenty points safeguard
20 Perkara
Illegals & IC issues
Bernas Monopoly
No to coal-fired plant
Sabah Gas pipeline
3 million acres oil blocks ceded
The Formation of Msia & Devt in Sabah
Proclamation of Msia 1963...details
Restore Sabah's right to appoint JCs,
Ex-minister: Review 20-point
Supply Sarawak power to Sabah...
Sedition Act 1948
Continental Shelf Act 83 (1966)
Petroleum Development Act 144 (1974)
Petroleum Oil Agreement (1976)


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SAPP's objection of coal-fired plants in Sabah
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SAPP on SEDIA Bill 2009
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